We Might Tumble Together
HfG Theatersaal
Juli 2022
gefluteter Theatersaal,
fahrende Zugmaschinerie,
Lichtreflexionen ausgelsöt durch Besuchende
Konzept und Produktion:
Elinor Hasselberg, Josefine Köhler
Elinor Hasselberg
Josefine Köhler
Technische Umsetzung:
Isabella Koeters, Josefine Köhler
Lena Bils
Mina Loy schrieb unzählige Gedichte, Theaterstücke und Prosa, schuf Illustrationen, Gemälde, Skulpturen und arbeitete als Lampendesignerin und internationale Agentin für eine Galerie in New York. Sie war in ständiger Bewegung, zog von London nach Paris, nach Florenz, nach New York, nach Mexico City, wieder nach Paris, wieder nach New York und schließlich nach Aspen, Colorado. Sie verkehrte in den großen Avantgardebewegungen des 20. Jahrhunderts: Futurismus, Dada und Surrealismus. Über die Jahre nahm sie eine Reihe von Decknamen und Pseudonymen an, durch die sie sich immer wieder neu erfand. Aus den Überlagerungen ihrer Hinterlassenschaften ergeben sich Künstlermythen und Interpretationen zu ihrem Wesen – die Versuche, eine Person greifen zu können, die nicht mehr ist. Hier die unsere: Water Mina.
Mina Loy wrote countless poems, plays and prose, created illustrations, paintings, sculptures and worked as a lamp designer and international agent for a gallery in New York. She was constantly on the move, moving from London to Paris, to Florence, to New York, to Mexico City, back to Paris, back to New York and finally to Aspen, Colorado. She was involved in the great avant-garde movements of the 20th century: Futurism, Dada and Surrealism. Over the years, she adopted a series of aliases and pseudonyms, through which she constantly reinvented herself. Artist myths and interpretations of her character emerge from the superimposition of her legacy - attempts to grasp a person who no longer is. Here is ours: Water Mina.
Mina Loy wrote countless poems, plays and prose, created illustrations, paintings, sculptures and worked as a lamp designer and international agent for a gallery in New York. She was constantly on the move, moving from London to Paris, to Florence, to New York, to Mexico City, back to Paris, back to New York and finally to Aspen, Colorado. She was involved in the great avant-garde movements of the 20th century: Futurism, Dada and Surrealism. Over the years, she adopted a series of aliases and pseudonyms, through which she constantly reinvented herself. Artist myths and interpretations of her character emerge from the superimposition of her legacy - attempts to grasp a person who no longer is. Here is ours: Water Mina.